Sunday, June 15, 2008

Look who was "in the news"....

"Homecoming News was both made and worn by little Miss Marianne Perry, who took second prize in the character costume division of the 30th annual Bevier Homecoming parade. Her beruffled frock and bonnet were fashioned of Bevier Chronicle-Heralds and she carried as her purse a miniature mailbox with rolled up newspapers inside. Marianne is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Perry of Bevier."

This was the article posted in the Chronicle Herald about Marianne Perry Murphy. What a costume! Anyone who has been her student can attest she has not lost this flair for the news and history, her drive to achieve high goals in teaching, contests, and sports... or her attention to detail. Marianne currently teaches 8th grade at Bevier C-4, where she is a highly respected teacher, beloved by her students. She, her husband George, and their son Andrew have always participated with flair in the school and Homecoming events of Bevier... What a great photo!---- gjp

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