Sunday, March 16, 2008

Are you a Bevier Bandsperson?

If you have ever tooted, drummed, marched, twirled, or otherwise participated in a Bevier Band, leave a little message about your memories!

45 Years Ago! The 1963 Bevier High School Marching Band!

Front row: Marilyn Lobmire, Richard Vestal, Janice Jones, Faye Cross, Virginia Cross, Carlotta Tuttle, Roberta Bailey, Janette Jones, Linda Ronchetto, Marilyn Glenn.

2nd row: Director Jerry Reisinger, Ramona Campbell, Rita Everly, Bonnie Harrington, Joni Patrick, Peggy Cox, Carol Vass, Susie Singleton, Joetta Amedei, Rita Norman, Jackie Richardson, Cheryl Bailey, Peggy Richardson, Majorette Patty Julius.

3rd Row: Majorette Carol Cross, Linda Biondi, Johnny Chiarottino, Jimmy Pfeifer, Johnny Falkiner, Carl Reese Harefield, Nolan Singleton, Joe Amidei, Judy Richardson, Anabel Norman, Helen Cross, Debbie Kitchen, Gloria Slightom, Majorette Brenda Day.

4th Row: Drum Majorette Pat Burk, Bruce Slightom, Marvella Thomas, Pat Vass, Freddie Ricker, J.R. Burnam, Connie Compton, Harold Compton, Lucien Cox, Mike Burk, Rodney Buster, Greg Buster, Jerry Chiarottino, Bill Day, Majorette Dana Fately.


Anonymous said...

I am not in the picture posted here, that is after my time but I was in the Bevier band, orchestra and Choir. I played drums and enjoyed being in the marching band. I remember a teacher named Mr. Brown who really got us in shape. We got to travel around and march in alot of different places.
Elizabeth (Weber) Richter

fjyb said...

Not sure of the year but Greg Boze played a trombone solo at Kirksville music competition and placed first. This was the first time it was ever done by anyone from Bevier.

Anonymous said...

Can't have a Bevier Band blog and not mention (my vote for) the miracle-worker of them all - Larry Johnson! Hailing from Oklahoma, looking like a hippie and transposing music like Mozart, he grabbed the flailing reins and immediately proceeded to transform our ragtag group of ruffians-with-instruments into a music-appreciating high school band proudly and gleefully accepting our "1"-rating for the first time we could remember in Kirksville's competition! Through rigorous and unyielding instruction (anyone who was there will remember the occasional baton-hurling that followed phrases like, “You cotton-pickers don’t know if you’re sucking or blowing!” - usually, at least in the beginning, we were sucking…), Larry made the understanding and creation of music itself a reality for those of us who’d already been smitten by its passion. In addition, in order to round out our band and fill instrumentation needs for the pieces we would perform at contest, he recruited non-band students who had never played an instrument, and in a number of weeks taught them to perform their respective parts with sufficient expertise to take us to contest and come out both victorious and amazed. Our experience with Larry Johnson was truly one that the movies are made from. I for one will forever be in his debt for introducing me to what music really is, and how it relates to every other part of my world. Thank you, Larry! Please come visit again in Bevier. -- Deb

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to post a year and a list of names below the photo. Not all of us know who these people are. I recognise 4 or 5 faces.

--Walt Ferguson--

150 Years said...

Thanks for the comment. I agree. I would appreciate it if some of you who were in the band could identify some of the people in the picture. I know only four or five myself. ?????